<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-1" data-item-id="65315b1715425c49becb652c" id="post-65315b1715425c49becb652c"> Support for Students | Free Counseling St艺术ing in January

Letter from a great resource in the 社区:

"I am reaching out to you because the UW School Psychology Clinic 是否有免费的心理健康服务,大发体育欢迎你的转介. We provide the following:

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-2" data-item-id="653157bb005dc9511c63ae50" id="post-653157bb005dc9511c63ae50"> Support for Students | Helping Children Cope With Traumatic 事件

As the violence in Israel and Gaza continues, 大发体育知道,世界各地的许多儿童对这些正在发生的事件感到不安和恐惧, whether or not they and their families have been directly impacted.

加入领先的心理健康和创伤专家的特别现场活动,旨在帮助父母在这些艰难的时刻支持孩子. Topics include initiating conversations about traumatic events, helping children handle their emotions, 为你的孩子创造一个支持性的环境,同时也要注意你自己的心理健康.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-3" data-item-id="652db2bf683b08443129b6b4" id="post-652db2bf683b08443129b6b4"> Seattle Public Schools | High School Students | Bridges

西雅图公立学校的BRIDGES项目是为18-21岁的残疾年轻人设计的,他们在9 -12年级的设置/课程之外仍然需要特殊的教育服务,以满足他们自己独特的中学后过渡目标. Certificated special education teachers, with training in functional special education services, are delivery case managers.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-4" data-item-id="651b1d8845f67249eea8c37e" id="post-651b1d8845f67249eea8c37e"> YWA's Kick-off to Clubs

今年, 大发体育急切地开始了大发体育的俱乐部活动,时间是每周二和周四的上午11:10-11:30. We have placed a strong emphasis on making them truly student-centered. 大发体育相信,让学生有机会掌握自己的课外活动,可以培养一种赋权感,并鼓励他们的创造力蓬勃发展. 因此,学生们自己负责,并为每个俱乐部创建了详细的描述. By engaging our students in the process, 大发体育的目标是确保大发体育的俱乐部迎合他们的特殊兴趣,并为他们提供一个追求自己激情的平台.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-5" data-item-id="650c6d9a4a8e684525e64ee0" id="post-650c6d9a4a8e684525e64ee0"> 家长谈话|非典型方法:释放你与众不同的孩子的才华和美丽

ParentMap, a trusted resource for parents in Seattle, 每月举办一次内容丰富、引人入胜的家长教育会议. 事实证明,这些会议对父母在各种问题上寻求指导和支持是无价的. It is worth noting that Yellow Wood Academy, a pillar of the community, has been proud to sponsor a number of these talks in the past. 这证明了他们致力于为学生和家庭提供全面的支持.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-6" data-item-id="650b396c6d1f556164d5c481" id="post-650b396c6d1f556164d5c481"> Sequoia Teen Counseling | Fall DBT Classes for Parents

红杉青少年咨询公司提供辩证行为疗法(DBT)技能课程介绍. DBT是家庭为孩子们选择的磨练核心正念技能的方法之一, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-7" data-item-id="64ded2daf18521418e2938d2" id="post-64ded2daf18521418e2938d2"> Staff Spotlight | Kim Deskin

金·德斯金6年来一直是大发体育社区的一名优秀成员. 她是大发体育优秀的英语语言艺术老师之一,与大发体育的高中生一起工作.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-8" data-item-id="64d1265021f6dc34e61dfb17" id="post-64d1265021f6dc34e61dfb17"> YWA满足 & 问候 | Tuesday September 5th at 9-12pm

It is time for our annual Meet & 问候! 在开学第一天之前,带上你的家人,去校园走走,见见你的老师!

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-9" data-item-id="64d12136668f825aafa043a4" id="post-64d12136668f825aafa043a4"> Family Opportunity | Brickcon 2023 & Sensory Friendly Hour Info


<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-10" data-item-id="6494c1cf67425d0b60b6a492" id="post-6494c1cf67425d0b60b6a492"> A Message From the Head of School, Jed Miley
<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-11" data-item-id="64793de80635e461aab9bef9" id="post-64793de80635e461aab9bef9"> June is Pride Month

A letter from our DEI Coordinator and one of our amazing teachers, Emily Yuen:
本周是一个微妙的平衡,一方面是华丽的庆祝活动,另一方面是阴郁的反思和行动主义.  Today is the first day of Pride Month, 和我, 就我个人而言, am beyond excited to engage in festivities and commemorate LGBTQIA+ folks, both past and present.  Tomorrow is also Gun Violence Awareness Day, that is why we are asking staff and students to wear orange.  今年, 我在城市原住民教育联盟的学生在他们的学校经历了致命的枪支暴力, which should have been a safe place for them.  I expect there will be an overlap of emotions this week, and we hope to provide a safe and supportive community for everyone, no matter your life experience.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-12 featured" data-item-id="64666e4f0ba2a0207f0cb853" id="post-64666e4f0ba2a0207f0cb853"> May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which is a time to raise awareness and promote the importance of mental health. Mental health is an essential p艺术 of our overall well-being, 照顾好它和照顾好大发体育的身体健康一样重要. 你可能会面临一系列的心理健康挑战,比如压力、焦虑、抑郁等等. 下面是一些可以帮助你改善心理健康和幸福的策略.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-13" data-item-id="6453de88e0c28e17e61473c7" id="post-6453de88e0c28e17e61473c7"> GiveBig | 5月2-3日

Get that GIVING feeling during GiveBIG on May 2-3!

当你尽你所能,伟大的事情会发生在每个人身上,这就是give Big的意义所在.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-14" data-item-id="643efe658bb78447c4ea9c0f" id="post-643efe658bb78447c4ea9c0f"> Summer Opportunity | Bellevue College Work Skills Camps

OLS Bellevue College's Skills for Work Summer Camps are back this year, and registration st艺术s in just 3 weeks.

大发体育为期两周的夏令营向年轻人介绍职场准备技能和职业选择. 营员们发现自己独特的优势,并在安全的环境中为自己的未来探索职业和教育的选择, friendly environment.

Skills for Work I: July 10 - 20 or July 24 - August 3
Skills for Work II: 8月14 - 24日

All camps run Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and will be hosted in-person on the Bellevue College campus.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-15" data-item-id="6424b20fd7768061d964af69" id="post-6424b20fd7768061d964af69"> 高中 & Beyond | Spring Oregon College Fairs

大发体育邀请您的学生参加大发体育的第二届年度俄勒冈大学博览会,并开始他们的大学搜索! 他们可以与来自近30个地区院校的大学招生代表聊天,收集有关申请过程的信息, important deadlines, 奖学金, 和更多的.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-16" data-item-id="641df2dd6d71573af548cc17" id="post-641df2dd6d71573af548cc17"> Summer Opportunity | Stanford Mentors Summer Program

Organized by Stanford University undergraduate and graduate students, 夸利亚全球学者是一个选择性的大学预科虚拟暑期导师项目,将6-12年级的有才华的学生与斯坦福大学的导师配对.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-17" data-item-id="63fcf32b4b221750d7f56dad" id="post-63fcf32b4b221750d7f56dad"> Student Opportunity for 4th & 5th Graders | Pacific Northwest Ballet

他们即将在太平洋西北芭蕾舞团(位于贝尔维尤)试点的包容性创意舞蹈课程。.  As they continually strive to expand our offerings to the community, 他们增加了感官友好的表演,并为6-10岁的所有能力的孩子设计了这个课程, mobilities and needs. 他们有一个小的师生比例和广泛的支持和策略, 并与西澳大学的职业治疗部门合作,让OT学生参与进来.

Attached is a flyer with more information. We also have flyers in a variety of languages (Amharic, 阿拉伯语, 中国, 朝鲜文, 西班牙语), 和我’m happy to provide those, 也. There is a $125 cost for the 8-week session, though we have 奖学金 available so cost is not a barrier.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-18" data-item-id="63fceeb45f6c912eed06116e" id="post-63fceeb45f6c912eed06116e"> ParentEd Talks | The Shifting ADHD/ADD Lens: Moving From Disability to Ability

Yellow Wood Academy is sponsoring this month’s ParentEd Talks!

Dr. Hallowell has spent more than four decades treating kids diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia and other learning differences. 通过他的工作, 他彻底改变了一种基于优势的方法,不仅可以识别神经多样性, but developing and celebrating the talents embedded in these syndromes. Join us on March 2 to transform the way you think about neurodiversity, 并学习最好的策略来支持多动症儿童的力量和天赋.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-19" data-item-id="63fcf15ab4ae686c0b4b1578" id="post-63fcf15ab4ae686c0b4b1578"> Mental Health Resources for

The Recovery Village Columbus are located all over the country, 但他们的团队一直在努力确保大发体育的信息对世界上任何地方处理药物滥用和精神健康问题的人都有用. 他们是高级恢复系统网络的一部分,在许多州都有设施. They offer evidence-based treatments tailored to each person who visits, 并发布各种心理健康主题的免费信息指南. They think education is the first step to helping those who need it, so they’re trying to spread awareness.

<艺术icle class="BlogList-item hentry author-shannon-kennedy post-type-text 艺术icle-index-20" data-item-id="63b4557ee2880a6ec6b2d300" id="post-63b4557ee2880a6ec6b2d300"> ParentEd Talks | Past Forward: The Legacy of Racism in Modern-Day America | Jan. 19 @ 1pm

Don’t miss this essential ParentEd Talks event with Khalil Gibran Muhammad, Ph.D., and Jeffery Robinson, two of the nation’s leading scholars on race, 民主, inequality and criminal justice. 在这个现场, online conversation, 他们将讨论我国隐藏的种族主义历史,以及如何开拓前进的道路.
