Posts by Shannon Kennedy
Summer Opportunity | Qualia Global Scholars at Stanford University

Organized by Stanford University undergraduate and graduate students, 夸利亚全球学者是一个选择性的大学预科虚拟暑期导师项目,将6-12年级的有才华的学生与斯坦福大学的导师配对. The program features personalized mentorship, interdisciplinary research, project-based learning, and guidance on college applications. 该项目旨在通过教授学生领导力,使他们成为未来的全球领导者 & problem solving, emerging areas in STEM & liberal arts, critical thinking & communication skills, and real-world impact through research & innovation. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Need-based financial aid is available for the program.

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Shannon Kennedy

Our kids are constantly changing. Advice for parents is, too. So, we’re phoning friends and calling in an expert. Join ParentMap for an intimate hour of conversation with Dr. Laura Kastner, an internationally recognized clinical psychologist, author, researcher and veteran parent. 大发体育选择了一组不同的父母来问一些最棘手的育儿问题, and then we'll open up Q&A to our live audience.

Ask us anything. No, really. Bullying, behavioral problems, neurodiversity, LGBTQIA issues, racism, school policies, social exclusion and cell phone/media usage — any topic is fair game.

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Shannon Kennedy
Parent Opportunity | CHADD | Feb. 29 Zoom Talk 7 - 8:30 p.m.: ADHD and Co-Regulation

Eastside CHADD is the local satellite of the national CHADD organization. We all strive for self-regulation. We teach our children independence as early as they can manage. 在工作不顺的一天,大发体育会控制自己的情绪,鼓励孩子们做出正确的选择. Yet, as social beings, 即使是成年人,大发体育的大脑和神经系统也在相互联系和共同调节.

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Shannon Kennedy
Parent Opportunity | Parenting Today's Teen: Building Social Emotional Skills at Home

Join this dynamic duo of psychologists for an up-close virtual presentation and Q&A as they discuss their top strategies to empower your parenting.

Parenting Today's Teen: Building Social Emotional Skills at Home 会关注大发体育能做些什么来帮助大发体育的孩子发展驾驭生活和体验强烈情感的技能吗. 学习实用的社交情感策略和技巧来帮助大发体育自己和大发体育的孩子.

UW Professor and School Psychologist Dr. Jim Mazza and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Lizz Dexter-Mazza are a powerhouse in the world of parenting and social emotional learning. Their work focuses on empowering young people, schools, and families to build skills proactively, before there is a crisis.


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Shannon Kennedy
Parent Resource | NAMI Basics: Empowering Families, Fostering Mental Health Education

YWA is dedicated to fostering a supportive and informed community, 通过大发体育的博客分享父母资源是一种赋予父母有价值的见解和工具的方式,以应对青少年福祉的挑战. By providing accessible and relevant information, we aim to strengthen family bonds, promote open communication, and contribute to the overall well-being of both parents and their children.

NAMI基础课程是一门免费课程,专为那些支持患有精神健康症状的儿童和青少年而设计. 本课程既提供了心理健康的基础知识,也提供了一个安全的空间来与其他分享你生活经历的人联系. 

在提高对心理健康的认识和支持的过程中,教育发挥着关键作用. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is at the forefront of this mission, offering valuable resources and programs. One such initiative is "NAMI Basics,“这个项目旨在让家庭和个人掌握应对心理健康挑战所需的知识和技能.

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Shannon Kennedy

Nurturing the Healing Power of Play for Ourselves and for Our Children

Tuesday, Jan. 23

1 p.m. PT

It’s more than just child’s play. 玩耍为孩子和成年人提供了一个创造意义和与他们的身份联系的机会, communities and ancestors. It’s a powerful tool for learning, cultivating joy and healing.

加入ParentMap和华盛顿大学实验室的研究人员Mike Browne和Amelia Bachleda博士.D. on Jan. 23, 2024 to learn how to (re)center joy in your life through the power of play.

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Shannon Kennedy
ParentEd Talks | Brave Listening: The Secret to Safeguarding Your Child’s Mental Health

Brave Listening: The Secret to Safeguarding Your Child’s Mental Health

Wednesday, Jan. 10

1 p.m. PT

Free webinar

Our children are suffering. One in five children and teens suffer from a mental health disorder. 近50%的人在青春期的某个阶段曾与心理健康问题作过斗争,而且这个数字还在上升. And yet, there’s no handbook on how to handle kids in crisis. 

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Shannon Kennedy
Family Opportunity | Free Services with Ohana Health

This is a lovely email from our partners at Ohana Behavioral Health in Renton:

“我叫凯瑟琳·汉森,是伦顿奥哈纳行为健康中心的临床主管. 我在去年11月的多动症峰会上了解了你们学校,我想让你知道大发体育有几位临床医生专门研究无神经障碍/神经发散性青少年. 我特别想说的是,大发体育的实习生温迪·汉森,正在提供无偿服务. 如果你的客户可能会从私人诊所的服务中受益,并且他们需要更低的成本选择, please feel free to reach out to me to learn more about our practice!”

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Shannon Kennedy
Resource | Intelligent | College Planning Guide for Student with Learning Disabilities

Intelligent联系了YWA,分享了他们为有学习障碍的学生提供的大学规划指南. 对于那些在错综复杂的高等教育领域中摸索的人来说,这本指南是一座指路明灯. By addressing individual needs, offering tailored strategies, embracing technology, and highlighting available resources, 这份指南不仅能帮助学生在大学生活中生存,还能让他们茁壮成长. As we champion inclusivity in education, 像这样的资源在确保每个学生都有机会充分发挥潜力方面发挥着至关重要的作用.

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Shannon Kennedy
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Dyslexia & Technology | HR Speaker Series

Yellow Wood Academy will always try and find resources that best support our community. 许多人认为,人工智能(AI)可以对教育产生重大影响,并解决当今学生和教师面临的一些最大挑战. AI has already begun shaping daily life, 但是,它将如何影响那些在传统教学方法和工具之外以不同的方式学习和消化课堂概念的学生?

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Shannon Kennedy
Scholarship Opportunity | Seattle Swedish Community Scholarships

西雅图瑞典社区奖学金是一个当地的非营利组织,为金县的高中毕业生提供5项金钱奖励. Our organization was founded at the Swedish Club of Seattle in 1969, and over years, we have helped hundreds of students get a start in higher education.

SSCS向YWA提供了他们的申请表副本,以便分发给符合条件的学生和家庭. Attached, you'll find the introduction letter as well as the two application pages. Please submit the applications directly to SSCS by March 31, 2024.

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Shannon Kennedy